Body Paragraphs

Within & throughout the Tragedy of Macbeth written by William Shakespeare there is one character throughout the entire play that has significant changes from start to finish, Macbeth himself is a relatively important character from the beginning till the end. He gives us the ideal point of what ambition can do to a person when it is not balanced by moral actions or so to speak morality.

Macbeth was portrayed to us as readers a strong and loyal soldier, to King Duncan he is trusted and wealthy, by becoming Thane Of Cawdor by the witches prophecies, and being told that he will become king by simple words “All Hail King Of Scotland.” or “All Hail, Thane Of Cawdor.” To start with, but as Lady Macbeth swindles Macbeth towards the murder of King Duncan, the evening when Macbeth went to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth tells her husband to “Be the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath.” This specific line is telling us from Lady Macbeth to Macbeth to be innocent as Adam & Eve within Eden’s Garden, but be Satan the serpent underneath all that sweet nature, the serpent is the sin that Macbeth is committing to, if he weren’t hesitant to do such a deed he’d be happy and on his way to become king peacefully. But because of the witches prophecy and his bloodthirsty ambition, he continues on with this dreadful deed, the bell rings and Macbeth speaks, “I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell” This particular quote represents Macbeth is willing to do anything to get his way in life with challenging others and God.

Bringing God into this piece of ambition, it is clearly stated within one of the the acts in Macbeth “Starshide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see” Macbeth does not want the stars that will shine on his sins or “All Deserves” to shine on him and to illuminate his mistakes to others.

100% Wrong About Seafood

This text 100% Wrong About Seafood explains to us briefly about a writer who despises perspective and taste of seafood, even though he wishes to love seafood using the language features Allusion & Metaphor the writer show us the brief line of hating seafood, whether it be the taste or the smell.

Within the text from start to finish, the language effect Allusion is a brief outline of what the writer tells us about when it comes to his hatred of seafood, Metaphor comes into play when the writer expresses his ideas about seafood “I cannot stomach seafood, the tentacles or whatever the heck that muck is that comes out of shells.” The metaphor is used here to describe just two of the 10’s of Seafood’s he hates e.g octopus/squid and mussels.) the Allusion side of the text is spread vastly across this certain text. While using this Non-fiction text Allusions are used in such ways like this “A fish waiting for a hook or a camera holding a camera.” It’s brief and it’s very simple to use Allusions iin such a way.

More Than Just A Place To Sleep.

This text published in 2016 by Lauren Davidson describes the article of research done by Carey Newson who curated a museum exhibit dedicated to what life across 26 teenager’s bedrooms are like, this particular text/article analyzes how teenagers organize and shape their room to be, whether it be a 3-D scrapbook or a warm, red glow. This article uses the language effect Direct Quote, this effect connects with “It’s, like, my space and I put things up that I like, that are special to no one else” Says Freya, this language effect gives us a clear, straight example of what Freya’s room looks like and feels like. Emotive Language also comes into play because “Warm, red glow.” Is a more happy meaning, something that gives people a warm and cozy feeling if you were to walk into Freya’s room. Walking into 17 year old Pearl’s room, a soft toy pokes it’s head out of a blue set of shelves, haphazardly with books, on top perched a Accident & Emergency sign presumably stolen from a Hospital, “As soon as I walk into this room I feel like it’s a sigh of relief.” a descriptive and direct


Some people ask, what is ambition? Ambition is either a strive for a certain goal that helps us as human beings develop over time, not to mention we work better under pressure. Another way of describing ambition is to poison someone’s mind, to continuously stab them in the back towards the evil within them. In the play, film & poem of Gattaca, Macbeth, Ozymandias & Thanos, I truly believe these are all significant connections with ambition whether if it’s bad or not.

1. In the film Gattaca, Ambition is output to us all in a positive and enlightened way and is heavily balanced towards Vincent, a defect with a heart disease who had only 30-32 years of lifespan, making good use of it was to team with Jerome “Eugene” Morrows, with the expertise of blood samples and fake fingerprint ID’s and most importantly urine samples if you ask em goes down the drain quite quickly “There’s more vodka in this piss than there is piss!” putting that out of the way now. As Vincent had made his achievement after escaping his brother Anton, and sending himself to space, Jerome had nothing of purpose to do besides having to help Vincent, so he took his own life to just to see Vincent go off to space.

2.Ambition within the ancient Play Macbeth shows that ambition is heavily unbalanced towards the main villain Macbeth, he starts out as a soldier within King Duncan’s army, a strong bond between his friend Banquo and King Duncan himself allows Macbeth to have built up a relationship with the king himself. Over time, Macbeth becomes corrupt and untrustworthy with some of his own colleagues, Imagine this for me, in the dawn of morning, Macbeth is within the kitchen with his wife and Macduff, and all of a sudden you hear “O Horror!, horror!, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot concieve nor name thee!” It was Macduff! Crying out something horrific had happened, the murder of King Duncan was a desperate way of describing ambition.

3. Ozymandias: Both Macbeth And Ozymandias have a breath for power, they shared the appearance of having greed and power by their sides. By portraying themselves as almighty and powerful. He gives himself the role as the almighty “King Of Kings” No matter what you achieved or how far you get in life, all of that powerful ambition will eventually be a thing of the past, making it extremely difficult reach out and find it again. Making it impossible for any positive energy to flow into someone’s mind. From what I’ve seen in this Poem. There is nothing more than dust and rubble within the mind of Ozymandias, even if he were dead it wouldn’t matter.

Thanos: Thanos‘ yes I said it, the purple shriveled prune that goes around in space with an oven mitten, his goal is to eliminate half the life in the universe using the stones’ incredible power, but he doesn’t do that for no reason. Thanos believes that the only way to save the universe is to thin out the life in it, to eliminate conflict for resources that would otherwise lead to death and suffering. This specific character relates back to Macbeth, he will do anything to get his way in life including Ozymandias who wants everything in his power and command, but that ends up going into nothing too. So how does Thanos relate to both of these desperate character for ambition? Well let’s trace back to Infinity war, where Thanos had started to search for the stones


TEXT 1: Gattaca, Human ambition can be a positive drive when there are challenges to overcome.
Symbols: Swimming, Staircase, Stars, Atoms

TEXT 2: Macbeth
That ambition is dangerous without the balancing influence of morality
Symbolism: Dagger, Dust
“Is this a dagger I see before me..?”
“A dagger of the mind, a false creation…”

TEXT 3: Ozymandias
No matter what we achieve it will always ultimately pass.
Symbolism: Sand, statue
“The lone and level sands stretch far away”

FILM/TEXT 4: Thanos (Infinity War, Endgame)
The ambition Thanos brings to us is his plan
Symbols: Infinity Stones (5), Gauntlet, Sacrifice, The Snap.

“The universe needed correction”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones.”
“When I’m done, half of humanity will still exist. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be… I hope they remember you.”

Significant Connections: Ambition Across 4 Aspects

Intro: Ambition, a desire or a pursuit of/or an achievement of good or evil expressed by symbolism across Macbeth, Gattaca And Ozymandias. This idea is especially expressed through symbolism because there are many different symbols including blood, An imaginary Dagger, The Ghost Of Banquo. These are all significant symbols of Ambition in the Shakespearean play Macbeth where a loyal soldier (Macbeth) Along side with his best friend Banquo fight along side each other and as his ambitious deeds re-create a new in him with an evil makeover and a new Macbeth.

Exam Preparation

QUESTION: Describe at least one IMPORTANT CHARACTER in the written text(s)

A very important character within the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare has many interesting and artistic characters, one that stands out the most to me was the betrayer himself, Macbeth. Whose ambition lead to his own demise, from killing King Duncan to betraying his best friend Banquo, having Macbeth being haunted by him after a short period of time being


In Percy (Bysshe) Shelley’s poem Ozymandias what he seemed to be as a mighty king that would all the time build statues of himself to portrait himself as this “King Of Kings” Even though across the land he was though of as a high and mighty being, even above gods. No matter how much power one has, it will always come to and end no matter what you do. After a short period of time Ozymandias’ ambition to keep going had fallen into nothing but rubble and debris. This demonstrates that Ozymandias’ ambition for power and fame had to find it’s end whether. he liked it or not. In this poem it also mentions “The hand that Mocked them and the Heart that fed.”

This special piece of the poem allows me to understand that Ozymandias what a great show off and a powerful man, he mocked all he has seen with his hand, and he fed that power to himself and left the others pointless to nothing.

Sonnet 1 “Haunted”

As her hair whips across, more fear shoots across.
As her ghost haunts, her spirit taunts her side.
Her soul shall fault, but her heart shall be at loss.
Her hands shall shutter, But her cries shall die.

She feels herself whole , to the content of her soul.
Her skin as soft as snow, within the frills of her bones.
As she recalls herself alone, her eyes are always whole.
As her hair intertwines, always will be like clones.

Her feet against the ground, but her soles are like mold.
Her laughter, as silky as mine, will always be at ease.
She may be weak, unlike those who tell her to behold.
Her own will, as rugged as her, will never grow to disease.


As she remembers, her beauty shall never die.
Her glow, glistened like the day, shall never be tied.